Blog: Are Online Focus Groups Worth Your Time?

13 avril 2021 | Consultez d’autres articles -->

Online focus groups are a type of qualitative research in which you connect online with a moderator and other participants to share your opinions and perspectives on a certain topic. The moderator will direct the conversation to gain a solid understanding of the group’s opinions, feelings, and behaviours. Online focus groups are valuable to researchers because participants can speak more naturally and freely than they might while answering a survey. This type of research also allows for a deeper dive into the topic in question.

Similarly, online focus groups are a rewarding experience for you, the participant, because you can express and elaborate on your thoughts and opinions in your own voice. You may also have the opportunity to discuss and collaborate with the other participants in the group. If you are motivated by incentives, online focus groups tend to pay more than online surveys because they require more time and effort from participants. The more time required, the more you’re rewarded! Make sure to read the focus group instructions carefully as there are often participation requirements that you must complete in order to be eligible for the incentive

So, if you like to discuss your opinions and behaviours with others and are able to take time out of your day, online focus groups can definitely be worth it. Opportunities to participate in online focus groups are more rare than other types of research, but you can increase your odds of being invited by regularly completing our Profiling surveys. The more we know about your specific interests and habits, the better chance you will have to participate in an online focus group.

We hope this gives you a better understanding of online focus groups. If you have any questions, let us know and we will be happy to help!

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