Blog: Your Opinion in Action: Canadians’ Social Lives Post-Pandemic

16 mai, 2022 | Consultez d’autres articles -->

What happens after you submit your survey responses? Where do your answers go? How is your opinion used? We want to answer these questions by sharing past examples of how your responses and opinions have made an impact.

We wanted to learn more about Canadians’ social activities in the post-pandemic climate. When asked how often Canadians participate in social activities outside of home (i.e. having lunch with a friend, playing a sport, attending an event, etc.), the most common response was less often than a couple times per month (42%). Some respondents said they participate in social activities a couple times per month (27%) and some said 1-2 times per week (20%).

Several people gathered inside a restaurant

The most popular types of social activities respondents participate in include enjoying a meal at a restaurant (61%), family get-togethers (55%), and spending time in nature (i.e. going to the beach, hiking, etc.) (44%).

35% of Canadians enjoy participating in social activities with their partner the most, followed by their friends (31%) and their children (14%).

So how does the COVID-19 pandemic influence these social decisions? 68% of respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement “Once restrictions have lifted and I feel safe to do so, I would like to socialize more outside of my home.” On the same note, 68% of respondents also agree or strongly agree with the statement “The COVID-19 pandemic has reduced the number of my social connections.”

But luckily Canadians have social media to help them stay connected. 49% of respondents agreed with the statement “Social media is a good way for me to keep in touch with people I don’t see very often.”

It seems that, while parts of life are starting to feel back to “normal”, Canadians’ social lives haven’t fully recovered. When do you think you’ll feel comfortable increasing your social activities?


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