
Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4


Default Button Primary Button Success Button Info Button Warning Button Danger Button




Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text

Italic Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text

Strong Paragraph of text Paragraph of text Paragraph of text

Bullet list

  • bullet 1
  • bullet 2
  • bullet 3
Ordered list
  1. bullet 1
  2. bullet 2
  3. bullet 3

Flash Messages

  • Success flash message
  • Error flash message
  • Warning flash message
  • Info flash message

Form Elements

Error message
Error message
Error message
Error message
Error message


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